Introducing National Civil Air Patrol Program
Glider Academy

This national Civil Air Patrol ( program is held annually at the museum. The Southeast Region Glider Academy is led by Captain Sue Martin and partnered with the Soaring Society of America ( Twenty cadets are selected from across the country to participate in this ten-day academy. These students are provided with formal classroom instruction on flight principles and hands-on instruction in a glider. Many cadets have accomplished their first solo during their Glider Academy participation.
world-renowned aviation experts present
Educational Seminars

The annual “Beech Party” has the privilege to have world-renowned engine, technical and historical experts presenting educational seminars during the event:
- Mike Stanko with Gemco Aviation
- Taigh Ramey with Vintage Aircraft
- Tom Clements with the King Air Academy
- Bob Parmerter | Historian & Author of “Beech 18: Civil & Military History”
- Edward Phillips | Historian & Author of Numerous Books & Articles
- Raj Nararayan owner of (2) rare Starships
- Jack Braly former President of Beech Aircraft Corporation
- Don Cary former Beech Aircraft Corporation Executive
- James Rix author of “Master of the Sea and Sky”
- Matt Younkin | Younkin Airshows
- And many more special guests each year
The ABS Maintenance Academy offers regional maintenance seminars across the country led by renowned Technical Advisor and Inspector Bob Ripley. Our Beech Party proudly features an ABS Maintenance Service Clinic and updates from ABS Director Whit Hickman and Air Safety Foundation Director, Tom Turner.